vt52-fpga  1.0.0 Initial
vt52-fpga is a serial terminal implemented on a FPGA
command_handler.v File Reference

Go to the source code of this file.


template<parameter ROWS = 24, parameter COLS = 80, parameter LAST_ROW = (ROWS-1) * COLS, parameter ONE_PAST_LAST_ROW = ROWS * COLS, parameter ROW_BITS = 5, parameter COL_BITS = 7, parameter ADDR_BITS = 11>
module command_handler (input clk, input reset, input[8] data, input valid, output ready, output[ADDR_BITS-1:0] new_first_char, output new_first_char_wen, output[8] new_char, output[ADDR_BITS-1:0] new_char_address, output new_char_wen, output[COL_BITS-1:0] new_cursor_x, output[ROW_BITS-1:0] new_cursor_y, output new_cursor_wen, output graphic_mode)